ST STM32 Nucleo Development Boards 64-Pin Arduino Compatible - ST NUCLEO-F446RE, From the STM32F4 series, this STM Nucleo development board targets the STM32F446RE microcontroller and is a highly affordable and flexible Arduino compatible development...
TO-220 Logic Level Power MOSFETs N-Channel - ST STP36NF06L, Striped II power MOSFET, N-Channel type, suitable for switching applications. STP36NF06L MOSFET Logic N 60V 30A
N Channel TO-220 Power MOSFETs - ST STP36NF06, N channel power MOSFET supplied in a TO-220 package from ST, one of the industry's leading manufacturers.The combination of fast switching times, rugged device construction and low ON resistance give a device...
N Channel TO-220 Power MOSFETs - ST STP40NF10, N channel power MOSFET supplied in a TO-220 package from ST, one of the industry's leading manufacturers.The combination of fast switching times, rugged device construction and low ON resistance give a device...
TO-220 Logic Level Power MOSFETs N-Channel - ST STP40NF10L, Striped power MOSFET, N-Channel type, suitable for switching applications. STP40NF10L MOSFET Logic N 100V 40A
TO-220 Logic Level Power MOSFETs N-Channel - ST STP55NF06L, Striped II power MOSFET, N-Channel type, suitable for switching applications. STP55NF06L MOSFET Logic N 60V 55A
N Channel TO-220 Power MOSFETs - ST STP55NF06, N channel power MOSFET supplied in a TO-220 package from ST, one of the industry's leading manufacturers.The combination of fast switching times, rugged device construction and low ON resistance give a device...
Power Schottky Rectifiers TO-220 - ST STPS1045D, Power Schottky rectifier, suitable for switch mode power supply and high frequency DC / DC converters. It offers very small conduction losses, negligible switching losses, extremely fast switching and low...