Three colours Satranji. Tribal floral art work with diamonds running parallel. Feature colour is red.
Tribal design Satranji in mustard and black. Mustard borders on each side. The design is in equal proportion.
Block Satranji with three colours. Bright diamond in the centre with tribal art work on each side.
Bright Pink patterened around the border of the Satranji. Pink is the feature colour on navy backdrop
Tribal design with a mixture of shapes. Bright tribal colours used with mustard as the feature colour
A mixed tribal coloured Satranji. Tribal art work in four colours creating an oval frame. Purple vertical stripes creating blocks by enclosing the art work.
A Satranji with a black back drop. Three coloured tribal art work in the centre. Stripes creating borders on each side.
Brown mustard block with a single lilac block to compliment the native art. Multi coloured diamond in centre surrounded by four crosses.
Navy Satranji with mustard borders running through each side horizontally. Two coloured tribal design.
Mustard blue borders on each side of this Satranji. Three shapes running through the middle with a multi coloured diamond in the centre. The feature colour is mauve.