Rhubarb 'Victoria' stands out with its intriguing greenish-pink stems, offering tender flesh that strikes the ideal balance between sweet and tart. As a beloved and traditional variety, it consistently yields a substantial harvest year after year. With...
Blackberry 'Black Satin' is the gardener's dream with its thornless nature, ensuring painless harvesting of its high yields of delectable, juicy berries. This self-fertile hardy shrub boasts vigorous growth, producing bountiful fruit at the end of summer....
Blackberry 'Loch Ness' is the ideal solution for compact gardens, boasting its ability to thrive in limited spaces. This British-bred hardy shrub produces exquisite firm, glossy-black, conical fruits on short, thornless canes. Known for its abundant yields,...
Whether gracing patio pots or confined gardens, this shrub's adaptable nature thrives with ease. Its firm, glossy-black, conical fruits adorn short, upright, and thornless canes, creating an elegant visual and tactile experience. A prolific cropper, 'Loch...
Blackberry 'Thornless Evergreen' offers a unique blend of convenience and abundance. As a thornless variety, it ensures easy harvesting of its large, succulent berries every August. The shrub features white flowers in summer, adorning its lush evergreen...
Organic Blackberry 'Triple Crown' is a remarkable thornless variety known for its triple-winning combination of exceptional flavour, high productivity, and robust vigour. This hardy shrub consistently delivers bountiful crops of exceptionally large and...
Blackcurrant 'Big Ben' Potted is a true giant among blackcurrants, boasting not only size but also delightful sweetness. Its remarkable large, glossy, and robust-skinned fruits weigh an average of 2.9g each, nearly three times the weight of standard varieties....
This hardy shrub, Ribes nigrum, boasts a naturally compact habit, making it an ideal choice for container cultivation. Despite its smaller stature, it delivers impressive harvests of glossy, flavorsome black fruits, perfect for adding a tangy twist to...
Blueberry 'Bluecrop' is a versatile and rewarding addition to any garden, offering an abundance of richly flavored fruits in the heart of summer. This excellent mid-season variety is self-fertile and reliably produces a bountiful harvest in August. Beyond...
This excellent mid season variety, produces rich flavoured fruit in abundance in August. Fully hardy, this compact shrub provides interest all year round with elegant white flowers in spring, and colourful foliage set against red stems in the winter....