Fruit flies are especially in the summer time in kitchen and dining chamber is active. Fill in 10 ml of natural lock substance with 100 ml of water in the cases and, put 2 - 3 drops of dish-washing detergent. The detergent decomposed the surface tension...
Now you can prevent the construction of wasp wire seters around your house, your garage or your arbour! Wasps from foreign nests keep a distance of up to 75 m while building their own nest. Wasps-free Premium will be hung up already in spring, before...
Clothes mottenraups prefer to eat textiles made of animal fibers. High-quality wool pullover, fur and down jackets are particularly endangered. But even synthetic fibers can be eaten, even if they are not digested. Hairs and scales that stick everywhere...
In most bathrooms you will find silver fish. The warm climate, high humidity and a rich food offer make the bathroom an ideal biotope for the nocturnal insects. They feed on skin scales, hair and even paper. We can make use of your preference for carbohydrate-rich...
The window-fly trap in the form of a plastic strip catches flies in all interiors. The trap uses the natural behavior of the flies, which are attracted by heat and light sources and are therefore happy to stay at the window.The flies so tightened are...
Cockroaches are omnivores and feed on all organic materials. Once the rooms are infested with the stockpiles, it is difficult to get rid of them again. The insects are usually active in the dark. This is why the infestation is often only noticed when...
The mouse, which lives in this country and drives its disgust, has a very pronounced sense of hearing. The mouse perceives a lot of higher sounds as compared to humans. Mice converse with each other in the ultrasonic range, only fear or anger are partly...
Is there a small thecla out of the drain pipe? Spiders can still be so small, useful and harmless, the majority of people avoid them and do not tolerate them in their own household. Even killing costs most of them extreme overcoming. There is the only...
You want to use our mole defense products, but the ground in your garden is too hard? Digging a suitable hole with a spade can be very tedious. A large garden, where multiple mole check devices must be used, quickly drives one to despair. With the Gardigo...
Find, mark & insert!It can be quite difficult to insert vole failure into the earth – if you don't have the right tool. The Gardigo Arvicolinae turn accessory set makes this work easier than ever before. Use the probe rod to track down the underground...