Passive voltage probes are the most frequently used oscilloscope probes. Other special probe extend the range and the functionality of the oscilloscope as a measuring system. A general, passive voltage probe, however, is the end of work of the oscilloscope,...
This unique probe offers two eight-channel groups and simplifies the connection with the device to be tested. When connecting to square pins, the P 6316 directly with multi-pin connector for 8x2 square pins with 1/10" spacing. There is a greater flexibility...
The TAP 1500 Single-ended active probe offers excellent electrical and mechanical high-speed performance for today's digital system is required.This text is machine translated.
By use of the PC and the HF-signal analysis software SignalVu-PC™ from Tektronix can with the RSA 306 B functions such as real-time spectrum analysis, streaming detection and profound signal analysis for signals of 9 kHz to 6.2 GHz can be carried out...